My complement

Monday 20 May

My complement is my mum because on saturday when I was playing my game every time when I get tackled my mum always encourages me to get back up.And my other complement is my brother because he’s funny. And he always plays with me.My dad because when I am playing fortnite he helps me grind.My complement is my nana because when I am hungry she always makes me homemade burgers.

My rugby game

On Tuesday me and my friend had a school rugby tournament.I went with whaea dayna to the rugby game.When we were in the car going to the park Isaw my mum and I was waving at her but she didn’t know that it was me. Then when we got there my mum saw me.when everybody was there at the park it was very cold.We had to take our shoes off and warm up.My feet were starting to get numb.

Then in the first game we vs ST Ann’s and I was excited for our first game.But we lost.The Next school we vs was Rowandale and they got 5 points but they had 15 points and I only go on in the second half but if someone is injured Miss Lavacula would choose someone like Aaron seaosee or me.

My favourite part of the day was when we got to have a break and eat.